Tuesday, March 21, 2006


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my own slice

Tonight I INSISTED on having my own whole slice of pizza. I want to be an adult and I'm only 1 1/2 years old. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

after my nap

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Nora and Zachary

Here's my cousin's Nora and Zachary. Aren't they beautiful??!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Nora and Jason

Here are Nora and Jason at the Children's Museum. Notice Jason's short sleeve shirt over long sleeve shirt look. Veeery trendy Jake. The hat even matches. Posted by Picasa

lunch with Nora and Uncle Jake

After we both got new shoes at Striderite, Nora and I went to lunch. Although lunch did have some chaotic moments, overall Nora and I were just wonderful. Uncle Jake got Nora Hommus for lunch, but she threw the veggies that came with it on the floor and ate my fries instead. I didn't mind as long as I had a fry too. Posted by Picasa

train set

Nora and I went to the Portsmouth Children's Museum. They have an amazing train set. It was perfect for me! I spent almost the whole time playing with it. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 10, 2006


It was 65 here today. Everyone was in a good mood. I didn't even need a jacket. I think I'm better suited to warmer climates. My parents might have different ideas, but I prefer sun and warmth. It makes me so relaxed and happy. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 09, 2006

before bed

I like to relax and watch The Wiggles before bed. Posted by Picasa


I'm all ready for summer even though its only March. Posted by Picasa

slide by myself

Today at Belmont Kidspace my mother looked away for a second and before she knew it I was going down the slide by myself. I was screaming and giggling! I was so proud of myself! I went down feed first, head first and even sideways. I love the slide! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


here i am "helping" with Joetta's dish Posted by Picasa

want some?

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at the park 2

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at the park

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